NCO Summer Updates 5/31/23

I welcomed Spring, though it seemed to come slowly…but I will say, it was dazzling!!  Now, all of the sudden here is Summer! 

I hope your summer schedule has a bit more freedom.  Summer is a great time to take a break, relax and maybe even do a bit of speculation and reflection.   The Pause App by John Eldredge has helped me do this lately.  ‘30 Days to Resilience’ is a beautiful progression to experience the presence of God.  It is a morning and evening devotion time that lasts about 10 minutes.  I have many favorite days but recently he has been talking about the mistake many of us are making in these turbulent times – trying to fit a little bit of God into our busy lives.  He suggests instead to begin with God. To rearrange our days to be centered around our life in God and move out from there.  This, of course, makes much more sense and is more organic as you move through the 30 day app.  I was encouraged to hear him say “It is the things that become habitual which actually shape our lives.”  So true, as I immediately thought of my Centering Prayer practice.  A small addition to my life 13 years ago has changed everything.  Most importantly, the experience of God with me, the complete love and acceptance I experience every moment and my desire to do exactly what God would want me to do.  Eldredge asks us to think about what is eroding our union with God.  We make choices every day that either strengthen or erode that union.

This summer would be a great time to think about what habits are shaping your life. I would encourage you to join a Centering Prayer group or attend Meditation Chapel to support your practice. 
            ~Cathy Mann Christiansen, NCO Coordinator